Belvas’ DIRECT program:
While we were developing the DIRECT program, the exchanges between ECSP community and the cooperative, our team has been really impressed. First of all, by the technical knowledges of the company management and the trainers. Secondly, by their understanding of the real situation of the planters. Finally, by the organization and the structure of the cooperative.
The program was set up in a peer-to-peer relationship underlying the whole process.
Four goals have been defined (in the DIRECT program, the bonuses are expressed in US dollars per tonne of cocoa):
3. Women’s emancipation:
Our program focuses on helping women to emancipate themselves by organizing reading and writing classes and allowing girls to stay in school way much longer.
Thereby, because of household poverty it’s impossible for parents to pay for the studies of their children. In that case, the girls are removed first from school or high school.
The mother’s literacy also allows her to keep an eye on the educational pathway of her kids.
Bonus: 100$ per woman who has completed literacy classes.
We also support an entrepreneurship program for women that accompanies them in developing an activity that allows them to generate their own income. Typically, we give an access to a direct income for women. That income is achieved through the granting of a small territory to plant cassava that they can sell to the market.
Budget: Community formation. Financing by ECSP.